wangstupid 发表于 2014-1-21 06:32:05


6 champs you sould ban, Riven, Kassdin, Jinx, Sivir, Luican, Amumu

even though a huge nerf hit Riven, she is still really strong, he late game got buffed really hard.

Kassdin, :( he just can't lose

Jinx, Luican, Sivir, they are all really strong ADC who can win lane really hard, because they can do tones of dmage just with a single poke.

Amumu got buffed is this vision, because the current meta for Amumu is fully ap, Ap mumu is a really huge threat to the team, because his ult dose tones of AOE and there is a 1.75 sec lock down and a 1.25 sec lock down on a singletarget.

MUJJ 发表于 2014-1-21 06:50:22

本帖最后由 MUJJ 于 2014-1-21 09:55 编辑

Nope,Amumu is not a necessary ban if you know how to counter him. Just pick a strong early game jungler such as Lee Sin, KhaZix,or Elise and invade hes jungle. A must ban right now is Shyvana and Mundo. Both huge tanks with percentage damage and becomes unkillable lategame.

And if you build amumu full ap your a retard. He dies instantly in teamfight and becomes useless.

Sivir also got a huge nerf,not a must ban. only ban Lucian if you want to play vayne.If you focus your ban phase on only ADC's mean other op champions will be open and available for select.
Correct Ban List: Annie, Kassadin, Shyvanna, Mundo, KhaZix,Nasus/Thresh

Chunge?? 发表于 2014-1-21 07:05:12


Lee 发表于 2014-1-21 09:18:15

lmfao   这铜分段的把

仁兄 发表于 2014-1-21 09:20:32

english big god

IZEaasyy 发表于 2014-1-21 11:01:50

why u bb in english

System 发表于 2014-1-21 11:47:08

People ban these champion in brozen, In Diamond , we would like to ban Teemo,Rumble,Veigar. Because they are fucking Yordle.

wangstupid 发表于 2014-1-22 08:12:24

Lee 发表于 2014-1-21 09:18
lmfao   这铜分段的把

solo me adc :) lets see who wins

Lee 发表于 2014-1-22 19:03:16

wangstupid 发表于 2014-1-22 08:12
solo me adc :) lets see who wins

呵呵我又不打adc的而且我又不认识你   干毛跟你单挑
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