本帖最后由 as1104542705 于 2014-8-13 20:22 编辑[*]RT
Kha'Zix: Most likely candidate even though his only skin is an epic. His 4 evolutions make him perfect for the ultimate skin theme and he just got nerfed which is exactly Riot's style concering champs that receive ultimate skins.
第四 字母A
kha'zix大招 void assAult
khazix 的四个进化 类似 Pulsefire EZ, 同样都是四个阶段. 而且khazix最近被削过 外加他只有一个皮肤.
Clarification has been established. Kha'zix' Q still remains named Taste their Fear, while the evolution is simply an effect and would not count since it does not replace the skill name.
Keep in mind however it still may be him, however it is highly unlikely, unless Morello is trolling us all.
1) six: is kha'zix (either 6 letters or zix)
2) s: september (27.09.12) kha'zix' release date
3) hide: kha'zix ultimate and passive have
4) assassin: not only playstyle but also kha'zix stands in assassin tab in game
5) j: jungler
本帖最后由 猪春 于 2014-8-13 19:24 编辑
..."highly unlikely" 没看懂 猪春 发表于 2014-8-13 15:22
...."highly unlikely"
unless Morello is trolling us all.
不要在意这些细节 nah,it wont be kha,trust me Chand. 发表于 2014-8-13 15:26
nah,it wont be kha,trust me
太直接了#- -##- -##- -#
~~~~我幼小脆弱的心灵啊~~~ as1104542705 发表于 2014-8-14 07:29
kha doesnt have metal arm
i think its veigar or blitz or xeth. Chand. 发表于 2014-8-13 15:31
kha doesnt have metal arm
metal arm?
viktor? as1104542705 发表于 2014-8-14 07:35
metal arm?
maybe too,but vi is not,he has metal arm but he just got a new skin out,so no for him Chand. 发表于 2014-8-13 15:37
maybe too,but vi is not,he has metal arm but he just got a new skin out,so no for him
because vi got tits Chand. 发表于 2014-8-13 15:26
nah,it wont be kha,trust me
1) six: is kha'zix (either 6 letters or zix)
2) s: september (27.09.12) kha'zix' release date
3) hide: kha'zix ultimate and passive have
4) assassin: not only playstyle but also kha'zix stands in assassin tab in game
5) j: jungler