734813485 发表于 2015-1-24 14:30:10


这逗逼看来TB扣的还不够? 号能卖了么? 哥已经给Z8打电话了,改了个帖子名字每一句提你的的大名? TMD 逗逼 tearinheaven 的儿子们怎么牛逼啊 以为哥怎么容易被骗? 买卖也是2年了被一个小孩子玩了? 你说可能吗。 呵呵退服了? lawl。 好兄弟? 你是我的好儿子啊 怎么牛逼没事爹今天接着给你扣爹的TB还有呢, 几万几万忘小号转不怕的 @@

还没扣TB的兄弟们赶紧扣, TB没了我这里还有~

evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 16:49:27

本帖最后由 evilpoke 于 2015-1-24 17:05 编辑

好了, 底下就是真相, Wanna believe? Depend on you.
Anyway, Here comes the truth.

Hi, How are you, everyone. My name is Johnny Chen. I live on Calgary, Canada. My ip address is tried to trick seller's account on 1/22/2015 at 8PM EST because I think he is new player in the CF trading market. However, I got fucked up by the seller. So I am so fcking mad. Then I post a thread on the Sinogmaer forum and cover the truth that I am pro account hacker to trick someone's account. However, it comes back to myself.

Hell yeah, I keep lying. everyone on the forum is believing on me. @@   Those stupid motherfucker.@@. I give u guys TB.-,-I am the fcking BOSS of Sinogamer Forum.#23##97#

evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 16:50:42

push up#23##23##23##23##23##23#baby, i feel good{:5_190:}{:5_190:}{:5_190:}

evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 16:56:48


evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 17:03:37

Sex on the phone. Hello, Z8? Sup baby, this is johnny......... come on, baby, harder..... harder...   oh oh o h oh ,   it is coming~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 17:06:45

come on, baby.make more threads. So we can play. 哦, 我差点忘了, 你说你英文不好哦.

evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 18:20:50

哥费了老大劲写的, 你就将就着看吧{:5_190:}


风暴Ak 发表于 2015-1-24 19:41:34


Lawl. 发表于 2015-1-24 22:11:19

evilpoke 发表于 2015-1-24 16:49
好了, 底下就是真相, Wanna believe? Depend on you.
Anyway, Here comes the truth.

I think even a retard like you could tell that you made this up lmfao
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