明天Gr 12 English第一次test,我真的复习了好久,有一个星期了, 但还是没把握,求大家的祝福。我们学校的英语实在太难,可以给大家看一下笔记:
Marxist Literary Criticism- Introducingthe concept of dialectical materialism.Marx suggested that the means of production control the foundation of asociety's institutions and beliefs.- Literatureis a social institution and has an ideological function based background andideology of the author.- Literaturemirrors the authors place in society and depicts class struggle (it has apolitical role).- Ideology isthe shared beliefs and values held in an unquestioning manner by a culture.- Marxbelieved ideology is determined by economics.- Bourgeoisie (the owner/ middle class): They own theproperty and therefore control the means of production.- Proletariat (the working class/ lower class): It is theproletariat whose labour produces wealth for the bourgeoisie.- "Communist Manifesto" explained thestruggle between the classes and promoted action against capitalism.- Capitalism:economic system in which the means of production, or the base, are privately ownedby individuals or corporations to competitively produce goods and service forthe public- "Capital" explained the capitalism system is exploitative.It favours bourgeoisie class.- Frederick Engels: the evolution of human society from primitive communism, to slavery,to feudalism, to capitalism, to industrial communism- Feudalism - Based onallocation of land in return for service - King gave outgrants of land to noblemen - Nobles wouldsupply the king with soldiers in time of war- Base isthe economic base- Superstructure is the law, politics, philosophy, religion and art of a culture.- Reification: the way in which people are turned into commodities useful in marketexchange Example:media coverage of tragedies- Commodification or the valuing of material things not for their useful but for theirpower to impress others(sign value)- Extremefocus on material acquisition is referred to as conspicuous consumption- Exploresways in which the text reveals ideological oppression of a dominant class over asubordinate class- Whencultural conditioning leads people to accept a system that is unfavourable tothem, they are said to have developed a false consciousness- Artand literature are often used as a form of propaganda to reinforce this falseconsciousness thereby suggesting to the proletariat that their situation isright or just- Capitalismis the mutual dependence between bourgeoisie and proletariat, which is alsoantagonistic- Thosewho work will be polarized in opposition to those who control the meansof production.- Marxsaw social system as unstable: the market created inequalities- Thetrading or selling opportunities provided by a particular group of people- Demandfor a particular product- Conflictwill result from certain Capitalist tendencies ~ Technology reducedskilled labour ~ United labourforce ~ Gap in wealth- Anytext, then contains subject matter that can promote or criticize the historicalcircumstances in which it is set- Ifthe subject matter is presented sympathetically, a text may promote theideologies of the time ApplyMarxism to Literature1. Focuson issues of structures of power and exploitation2. Concernedwith conflict and change3. Concernedwith material system of production and ownership of property4. Analysisof action as political power struggles between social group defined by theircontrol of property5. Waysin which class, identity and local struggles intersect6. Approachtext with an eyes for how character interact7. Lookat the level of luxury characters have and how much they have to work8. Assesshow character use their free time. Do they have choices?9. Assessthe role of the government in society. Is it draconian or laissez-faire?Draconian: a typical and controlling leaderLaissez-faire: means "leave to be". A hands off approach toleadership. Let the market decide. Feminist Literary Criticism- Examinesways in which literature reinforces or undermines the oppression of women. Economically Socially Politically PsychologicallyTerminology- Patriarchy:Any culture that privileges men by promoting traditional gender roles- Androgyny:Sex roles are not rigid – a blurring of male and female roles- Backlash:Movement away from or against feminism- Essentialism: Belief that there is a unique feminine essence above and beyond culturalconditioning- Gynocentric/ Gynocentrism: A female framework for analysis of women'sliteraturePatriarchy:Based on traditional gender roles and a culture that privileges men
Gender Roles- Theseroles are used to justify inequalities and exclusion in decision-making andwages.- Thereare biological differences, but patriarchy believes in essentialism.- Sex= Biological- Gender= Cultural ProgrammingHistory ofPatriarchy- Patriarchyembedded in Western Culture- Fallof man blamed on Eve(夏娃)- Aristotle:"The man is by nature superior andthe female is inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled"- Womenwere imperfect men and spiritually weak- CharlesDarwin: "Women are characteristic ofa past and lower state of civilization – inferior to men who are superior inall areas"EarlyFeminism- A"Vindication of the Right of Women" - First modernawareness for equal rights - Influenced byprinciples of the French Revolution- MaryWollstonecraft – 1792- JohnStuart Mill: "Men have puteverything in practice to enslave their minds"- Changefor women in 1900's - Women gained theright to vote - Became activistsin social issues of the day such as healthcare, education, politics, literatureSecond Waveof Feminism- Simonede Beauvoir: "The Second Sex"1949 - wrote that womenbecame "the other" - Non-existent inmajor social institutional like Church, Government, and Education - Women'sMovement – 1960'sBetty Friedan's "The FeminineMystique" 1963 - Challenge thedominant cultural image of the successful and happy American woman as ahousewife and mother - Media creates the"mystique of the perfect housewife" - The role becomessexual and passive - MaryEllmann's "Thinking aboutWomen" 1965- KateMillet's "Sexual Politics"1969- Began to focus feminist criticism on the following goals:1. To develop and uncover female tradition of writing2. To interpret symbolism of women's writing so it will not be lost by malepoint of view3. To rediscover old texts4. To analyze women writers from a female point of view5. To resist sexism in literature6. To increase awareness of sexual politics of language and styleSexual Politics: 1. Ideas and activities that areconcerned with how power is shared between men and women, and how thisaffects their relationships 2. Sexual Politicsis the title of Kate Millet's book, which sparked the second wave of Feminism.WomenWriter- TheCanon(the acceptable list of important works of literature for a culture) of Westernliterature had been predominantly maleExample: Shakespeare, Dickens, Wordsworth, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Twain,Joyce- Evenwithin these works, the female characters were secondary and stereotype into: Stereotypes of Femalesin Literature- Old Hag:mindless, spinster- Great Mother: nurturer- Temptress:seductive, sex maniac- Maiden Hero: princess, virgin- Damsel in Distress: weak, passiveKeyContemporary Feminist Critics- ElainShawalter "A Literature of TheirOwn"- SandraGilbert and Susan Gubar "TheMadwoman in the Attic"- Bellhooks(real name: Gloria Jean Watkins)KeyQuestions1. Isthe author male or female?2. Whois the narrator?3. Whatroles do the women play?4. Arethere any stereotypes of women?5. Whattype of imagery is used?6. Reviewthe role of female characters in relation to the male character.7. Lookat the jobs the women have.8. Considerthe attitude of the characters.9. Evaluatehow powerful each character becomes. Psychoanalytical Literary CriticismPsychoanalyticalCritical Approach- Thepsychoanalyticalcritical approach borrows from clinical psychological practice andapplies it to the study of literature.- SigmundFeud 1856-1939 - Born in Czech - Moved to Vienna - Trained as neurologist - In Vienna, hecollaborated with Joseph Breuer - At the basis ofhis practice was the theory that mental disorder was caused by psychologicalfactors. - In Paris, Freudstudied hysteria & hypnosis (hysteria & neuroses are mentalhealth disorders) - Freud believedthat personality develops through childhood experiences- Neuroses could be treated through "free association" or"the talking cure"FreudianTerms- Unconscious/Subconscious - The repressed partof the conscious - repressed desiresof life - Uncivilizedpassionsfile:///C:/Users/Atom/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg -Dreams are disguised expressions of the unconscious- Developthe Tripartitemodel of the psyche (见图)1. Id Irrational Instinct Desires Fears Libido (sexual desire) Pleasure principle2. Ego Rational Logical Regulates id The civilized side that operates according to social norms3. Super Ego The censor Keeps the psyche in line Use of fear and guilt to modify behaviour- Manifest:the plot of the dreams- Latent:the true meaning behind the symbols in a dream (interpreted)- Condensation: grouping of all feelings (usually anger) into content of a dream- Anxiety Reality Anxiety -Most basic form -Based on fears of real and possible event -E.g. being bitten by a dog or falling from a ladder Neurotic Anxiety -Comes from an unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the Id will controlof the person, leading to eventual punishment, (this isthus a form of Moral Anxiety). Moral Anxiety -Comes from the Super Ego in the form of a fear of violating values and moralcodes, and appears as feeling of guilt or shame.- DefenseMechanism- Defense mechanisms are a response to anxiety. They are theEgo's way of coping with the Id and Super Ego- All defense mechanisms share two common properties: 1. They often appearunconsciously 2. They tend todistort, transform, or otherwise falsify reality- Denial: claiming/believing that what is true to be actuallyfalse- Displacement: redirecting emotions to a substitute target- Intellectualization: taking an objective viewpoint- Projection: attributing uncomfortable feelings to others- Rationalization: creating false but credible justifications- Reaction Formation: overacting in the opposite way to the fear- Regression: going back to acting as a child- Repression: pushing uncomfortable thoughts into thesubconscious- Sublimation: redirecting "wrong" urges into sociallyacceptable actions- Oedipus Complex - Based on the Greekmyth of Oedipus who raised away from his parents - As a young adulthe met and killed his father - Married his mother- Lifeand Death Drives - Eros seeksto preserve life and health - Thanatosis the opposite of Eros, the fear, anger, aggression- FreudianLiterary Criticism - Literatureis the author's expression of his/her unconscious mind - Threat literaturelike a dream and analyze itCarl GustavJung (1875-1961)- Acolleague of Freud until their falling out- "Psychology of the Unconscious"(1912)- Unconsciousdivided into 2 parts1. The personal unconscious - Ego = persona& shadow - Personais the social mask you wear - Shadowis the uncivilized part of your personality Anima & Animus - Animais the feminine side of a male - Animusis the masculine side of a female2. The universal unconscious/collective unconscious - Archetypes(patterns of behaviour) common to all - Found in art,literature and myths of the world - Appear as symbols,images or characters - A list ofarchetypes: Thewise child TheHero Birth Death Cycle/Season Numberse.g. 7=lucky13=unlucky Deity TheMother TheQuest- The self Definition 1: Theintegrated self was the goal Definition 2:Confront and assimilate the Shadow part Individuation was the ultimate goal
#00# ESL 无压力撸过 醉了醉了... copy & paste U值得拥有 {:5_190:} 这是Final把 #- -#English?我怎么感觉是历史? {:5_190:}马克思什么的不是共产党么,美帝不是最怕这个了么。 小学生强势路过#18##18##18# 波斯很基情、 发表于 2015-2-26 19:11
Unit test,你怎么看
祝你好運吧 regular都差不多這樣 還好 ap english那才叫呵呵