开了一年的CF 东南亚服要关服了
美服cf不远了吧To all CROSSFIRE SEA player,
We bring unfortunate news to all users who love and play CROSSFIRE SEA. We want to express our sincerest gratitude and apologies to the fans who loved CROSSFIRE SEA.
We are sorry to inform you that CROSSFIRE SEA service will be terminated on 15th April of 2015. Before termination, the “Booz-up” function will be inactivated/blocked from 16th March accordingly. After service terminated (15th April 2015), all the player cannot login to the game anymore. CROSSFIRE SEA is a good game but terminating the service is the only option that we can pick right now, we are feeling apologetic and sadness. In the rest of the remaining day, we will try do our best for the last part of the service.
Thank you for your love and support of CROSSFIRE SEA.
美服收钱不认人,呵呵~-,- R.I.P #mobai##mobai##mobai# {:5_191:}{:5_191:}{:5_191:}{:5_191:}{:5_191:} @@中国人多 而且TX更新速度跟封挂速度很给力