格拉斯 发表于 2012-9-8 18:50:08

Rogers 开挂还用花钱。。。╮(╯▽╰)╭

渣渣们,真可笑。tmd国人用英文跟我们拽?去你妈的。5v5,开挂还说我们挂?我靠了,挂逼被杀了就说我们开挂?哦对了,挂逼被杀了还剩下3个挂逼。。。。。哎伤不起啊。奶奶个腿儿的。管理呢?都死哪里去了?YY一个人都没有?草,管事的tmd出来啊。oh yea let me type this in English since u son of bitches wanna play. ur fcking chinese and u talking to us in English like ur boss? go fck ur selves. 5v5, u retards hack and call us hack? LMAO , the hack got killed by our teammate so we hack? oh yea....when the hack died, there were like 3 more......sighh so sad. assholes.....where is ur leader and LT? they went to suiciding?how come ur YY doesnt have anyone? Fck where are ur admins? (奶奶的。。。。本来今天心情挺好的。。。。。。。哎)

哦对了,以前还有件事。我们战队的johnzhang216碰到个Rogers的挂逼。虽然没截图,但是Rogers的还说“牛逼就是挂?” 我去去。就你那样还叫牛逼?谁没见过牛逼,牛逼用枪法和意识,跟透视不是一个道理。挂逼装牛逼,我靠我真笑了。

傲娇病态诱° 发表于 2012-9-9 21:30:11

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