申诉骂Z8,给的回复 。
We are continually working to take action against hackers and keep Cross Fire cheat free.
We are aware of the current situation and are continuing to update the game and so that we can stay on top of these new hacks.
Please check back in the near future for updates to the game.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and will continue to ask the community to keep submitting hack reports so we can move quickly to remove these cheaters from our game.
老子等着你更新 。!!!!
这是骂,的带着脏字 我想问下给Z8 发邮件为啥都不回我?在哪里查收邮件? -,--,- 小坏 发表于 2012-11-30 13:55 static/image/common/back.gif
我想问下给Z8 发邮件为啥都不回我?在哪里查收邮件?
去登录后你的右边会有一个闪闪的信封,打开即可看 the world of挂B 昨天不好意思,没打完就走了,我水死了昨晚,把我手冻坏了,看得出来你们昨晚也没指挥@@,好不容易洗了个手有手感了我老爸冲到我房间来叫我滚去睡觉,哎今天很早就起来出去办事了!
今天晚上我们再来吧,不用猜了第二局我们还是输了对吧? 我很想知道拉风叔叔你怎么骂的,求分享! 怎样申述的 ....Z8的那个hack回复对谁都是那么说的0 0 没什么用....@@