捋大夫 发表于 2013-1-19 15:06:39


关于关欠我钱一事 大致是这样的
第一次是换号 他说没钱补差价 给我一个刀号算补差 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=11731607 他说这个号欠款170至少能卖250 我也没多想就换了

第二次我卖一个号给他 350的 只收到330多一点 之前他只提过想20快买ac 我并没答应 可到帐后才知道我出的手续费所以我希望他把20快还给我。

最气愤的是这个刀号之前GM的回复说欠170 等我一冲后发现GM又来了一个回复 说欠款799.9我去

这个刀号的主人也忒坑爹了吧    希望大家以此为戒千万不要买欠钱的号不管别人说的多么动听 不管号有多么诱人这个洞你一般都填不起!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermes 发表于 2013-1-19 15:08:36

为什么 我和他交易的都很顺利呢???-,- rp问题??

ak47 发表于 2013-1-19 15:13:14


捋大夫 发表于 2013-1-19 15:20:47


壶说酒道 发表于 2013-1-19 15:20:49

#- -#欠的真多

捋大夫 发表于 2013-1-19 15:22:14

Your account has been closed due to 8 chargebacks from Paypal. You are currently owing us an amount of 799.92 USD (including $10 bank process fee for each chargeback).

You may use the method of money order, certified check or personal check. If you choose to use personal check, your account cannot be released until the check is cleared.

All funds must be in US dollars and must be accessible in Canada. Please note, money order can be purchased from Western Union as well. All things can be mailed to the following address, please be sure to include your game account name.

Pay to: G4box Inc.
PO Box 80009
North York, ON, Canada
M2J 5B0

We will release your account as soon as we receive your Money Order. You may also purchase a prepaid game card listed under our "Prepaid Card" section and provide us the PIN number.


ngjimmy78 发表于 2013-1-19 18:45:02

捋大夫 发表于 2013-1-19 15:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Your account has been closed due to 8 chargebacks from Paypal. You are currently owing us...

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