本帖最后由 臭狐狸、 于 2013-10-1 17:53 编辑
我只想说和狐狸玩的没一个会干那事。还有要是找回的号邮箱里不会显示修改邮箱之类的东西。这是你刚刚发我的,Hello 416245914,
Recently we have received a request to modify your email address on your account 416245914 at Z8Games.
Original Email: [email protected]
New Email: 5********@qq.com
If you made this change please click the link below to confirm the change:
Comfirm email change
Once you have approved this change another confirmation link will be sent to your new email. You will have 24-hours to confirm this is an active e-mail. If you did not make this change do not take any action, your information may be compromised we suggest you change your password immediately and contact support.
有眼的人都看得出来吧?还有在我手上这么久都没事,为啥偏偏在你卖出去之后,他改完之后说第二天上不去了呢?真的人品这么不好? |